Experience has shown that good maintenance and after sales services are the key for building a win-win situation with our customers.
Our aim is:
• Keep the customer happy and satisfied with the quality products.
• Providing trouble free operation program to allow customers save huge amounts of money.
• Optimizing the efficiency of equipment which has a significant impacts on profits, effecting productivity and quality without large capital investments.
We are glad to cooperate with your maintenance staff, and to convey them our know how in bearing applications and latest maintenance technologies.
Your Path to Improved Machine Productivity and Reduced Costs!!
1. Traditional reactive maintenance has proven to be very expensive.
2. Preventive maintenance is considered as a step forward.
3. Predictive maintenance is an evolution in maintenance field.
4. Pro-active maintenance is the last needed task to reach rather a perfect stage.
1- Reactive maintenance
This is the case when a bearing fails while operation.
Usual costs are:
• Bearings
• Lubrication
• Seals
• Labour
Additional costs are:
• Shaft reparation if needed
• Housing reparation if needed
• Unexpected missing spare parts
• Unexpected missing tools
• Secondary damages
• Reduced lifetime of repaired machine
• Unexpected production stop for some extra hours or days
2- Preventive maintenance
A step forward in maintenance has reduced some costs for the fact that it takes into consideration:
• Recommendations of the manufacturer
• Some basic inspections like noise and heat
Not enough!
In many cases this strategy showed the same results as in reactive maintenance, thus making people pay all extra costs again.
What is condition monitoring?
Condition monitoring is, “The collection, storage, comparison, and evaluation of data taken from a machine to establish the running condition of that machine in its running environment.
The benefits of using a condition based approach to maintenance are numerous, they include:
• Increased plant uptime generates profit
• Enables reduction in spares stock holding
• Reduces maintenance costs
• Reduces the number of catastrophic failures and can stop expensive secondary damage
• Extends the interval between maintenance periods
• Reduces the number of costly emergency repairs
• Maintains the product supply
• Identifies the fundamental cause of failure
• Improved awareness of plant condition
• Spares are ordered to suit shut down periods
• Quality assurance tool for repairs
• Improved manpower utilisation
• Improved maintenance scheduling – shut down periods are planned
Along with our years of experience, the sophisticated tools we use complete our ability to perform condition monitoring.
Our maintenance packages are of two types, predictive and proactive maintenance.
3- Predictive maintenance
• Target: determining;
a) Problem severity
b) Source & cause of the problem
c) Remaining lifetime
All this without stopping the machine
• Technologies:
a) Advanced vibration acquisition & analysis
b) Motor current analysis
c) Thermal imaging
• Benefits
a) Increase uptime
b) Decrease maintenance cost
c) Avoid sudden or unexpected breakdown
Usual complaints from most technicians in all types of industries:
“The original bearings in this brand new machine have been working for five years. After the first repaIr, we have to replace them every year. And some even shorter period.”
Researchers have relied on new technologies and accurate tools in order to solve such kind of problems this led them launch what they call Pro-active maintenance.
4- Pro-active maintenance
a. Target:
Determining studied step by step procedure in order to get better results.
1. Activities:
a) Preventive maintenance
b) Predictive maintenance
c) Laser shaft alignment
d) Laser belt alignment
e) One and two plane balancing
f) Bearing, shaft and housing tolerances
g) Using special solutions for better results
2. Benefits: Improving the performance and reliability of rotating machinery